Sunday, 10 December 2006

A Day at Coco Beach with Blue Ventures Dec 7th 2006

A Day at Coco Beach with Blue Ventures

6am Dive 1
8am Breakfast
9am Dive 2
11am Dive 3
1:30pm Lunch
3-4pm Lecture
6pm Staff meeting (Vao Vao)
7pm Volunteer meeting (Vao Vao)
8pm Dinner (Fish, rice, pasta, beans)
10pm Electricity OFF

Saturday: Fish monitoring, record all fish landed in the village, weight, size and species.Volunteers, teach English in the school
6th Day no diving

Each person gets at least one dive a day.When not diving, boat and shore marshalling has to be done, for each dive (2 separate people, safety).
The rest of the spare time is filled with jobs around site, learning coral and fish, data entry, research etc.
In addition to all the above STAFF have to fit in all their work, research work and planning as well.
Never enough time in the day. Busy busy busy!

Check out the website:

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