We have done a lot of work
collecting data in the Harapan Rainforest. In this blog we have an overview on
how all that data is used to produce a vegetation map.
Our focus in Harapan Rainforest
was to summarize the condition of the forest. Satellite imagery (from the
French satellite SPOT) from 2009 was used to generate a very basic classified
image. This imagery was three years old, but it was the most recent high
resolution image available of the entire Harapan Rainforest boundary with little
cloud cover we could find (it is very wet and cloud there).
In this map the darker the red the more developed the forest
(or at least that is the theory we want to test).
In general we
view forest in shades of red, a false colour composite (FCC). This is where the
images colours are shifted to allow use to use near infra-red. Healthy vegetation will reflect the near
infra red (making it looking red in the resultant image). The naked eye can
discriminate more shades of red than any other colour.
image display colour corresponds to 3-Green, 2-Red, 1-Near-Infrared bands.
shades: Vegetation
shades: Low vegetation/ clearings
No data due to cloud/ cloud shadows
A quick classification of the
SPOT imagery gave us an indication of differences we might be able to identify
on the ground within the forest. We were not entirely sure what those
differences were and that was why we need to see them on the ground.
Colours were associated with ‘best guess’
vegetation classes
(without any ground-truth data). Good
forest in red tones,
younger forest blues and or disturbed areas into the
In the forest we used
pre-prepared image analysis maps (such as the classification map above) to
guide our daily route of ‘plots’ through the forest. We were looking at the different
blocks of colour as an indication of different forest cover levels. We also
looked at changes between 2009 and 2011, which would indicate re-growth or loss.
We loaded these images on to android smart phones (we used the Samsung Galaxy
S2 and Samsung Galaxy Note devices, in the field) to view, interact and set interest points
Locus Pro.
At each plot we collected data:
environment e.g. hill
slope, swamp etc.
percentage forest cover
size of trees
dominant tree species
dominant understory
All the information we gathered in
the field was entered into digital forms
ODK collect) on the smart phones.
We periodically sent data up to
the server when we had WiFi connection back a base camp. Back in Kew the data
was collated and published on the
Unit Expedition Maps webpage. Geotagged tweets as well as our ODK datasheets
were mapped in near-real-time.
Roki records tree size and species for large trees in the plot
It was a very successful field
campaign with over 300 plots surveyed with detailed canopy measurements and
environmental variables with associated geo-locations, photographs and videos.
Back in the office at Kew we
cleaned up the data, filled-in blanks and attached photos taken with our own
cameras. The field data was broken into thirds. One third was used to train the
satellite imagery into defined forest categories and the last two-thirds to
test the classification.
The forest categories we used
were: Old Secondary Forest / Disturbed, Young Secondary Forest / Disturbed,
Very Young Secondary Forest (Thicket / Disturbed), Scrub, Cleared. After a few
iterations a base map was produced for the area. Our results show that all
forest levels showed good potential for regeneration from species identified in
the field. There was a lot more intact forest than we suspected from our
initial work with the satellite imagery. See some of the results from the map.
We are finishing up on this phase
of the project, but we are still updating our online expedition maps with
geo-located photographs.
Main page for Harapan:
Collections map:
Vegetation map