Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Madagascar: Stormy Stormy Night!

24 April 2007

Beautiful sunset and a fantastic electrical storm in the distance.

The night sky filled with millions of stars, can see the plough and
the milky way. Early to bed, no electricity anyway. Sound asleep.

Sudden rush of wind through the hut, shutters clattering, chilling wind and
rain from every angle. Too cold to sleep, but so wet and windy
outside. Arise and attempt to find flip-flops not yet taken away by
the wind, bring in all the were dry, but are now wet belongings. Close
shutters against the wind. Find the sleeping bag and huddle down for
the night. Storm passes over head, can see the lightning move from
the south window past the west facing door to the north window.

Ahhh! nearly gone now. The wind dies down, the rain thins out. The
night is quiet all over again and has brought a refreshingly cool
morning. Oh! And now the mosquitoes!

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