April 2007
International Staff
Jenny (me) - Expedition Manager
Garth Cripps - Project co-ordinator, works on the research proposals
and takes volunteers on trips to the new Marine Protected Area (MPA) sites
Pierre Maison - Dive Manager (soon to leave site unfortunately)
Ida Vincent - Field scientist, Swedish but lived in Australia
forever. Background in marine biology.
Sophie Benbow - Field scientist. Used to work in the London BV
office. Background marine mammals.
Malagasy Research Staff
Vola - Masters from Florida University, arrived at BV on an
expedition scholarship. Works on loads of projects inc. Shark and
turtle data collection, sea cucumber farming, womens group, Marine
Protected Areas (MPA), translation.
Daniel - Long standing 3 years research on Octopus reproductive
systems, currently finishing masters. General good guy and the local
ladies seem to love him.
Gildas - Trained as a law student, arrived at BV in Andavadoaka on a
short-term contract and now runs the socio-economic projects and
surveys in all the MPA villages, organises meetings about the future
Local Malagasy Staff
Bic - trained up research assistant, dive master. Knows all the
sites, has been with BV from the beginning. Works on the MPA, fish
monitoring projects and mapping of the Baobabs. Can fix most dive
equipment, trained electrician, runs Club Alo Alo, the marine
education program in the village.
All around good guy.
Thomas - assistant on the shark and turtle project, dive master in
training. Drives the boats, helps out on all dive courses. He used to
be a shark fisherman, but now teaches people how to sail a pirogue in
his spare time.
James - Boat driver, used to fill tanks. Is starting his Dive Rescue
course soon. Helps the dive manager fix equipment. Is great on the
guitar and helps Bic run Club Alo Alo. Needs help learning English.
Angelo - Runs the compressor to fill tanks, learning how to drive the
boats, works on the sea cucumbers, collects water samples (to be sent
back to London for analysis). Our newest member of staff, great fun,
learning English fast.
Marcellin - Boat driver, just finished his advanced PADI course.
Fila - guards the eco-lodge land
Zafi - guards Coco Beach and all our dive equipment. Makes great
15 Blue Ventures staff in Andavadoaka, Madagascar. An array of skills
and research projects.
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